Donate Today!
Your donation helps us provide specialized support for older adults and people with disabilities.
Donate today or
Send your check directly to:
Greater Springfield Senior Services, Inc.
66 Industry Avenue, Suite 9
Springfield, MA 01104
All contributions are tax deductible.
The Impact of Your Generosity
Home delivered meals, money management, emergency housing, and home repairs are just some of the programs your gifts support.
- $21.00: Three days emergency shelf stable meals for a homebound adult
- $75.00: An afternoon of respite relief for a stressed caregiver
- $99.00: One night of emergency shelter for an abused older adult
- $1,700.00: Wheelchair access to a home
GSSSI Memorial & Tribute Program
Contribute in memory of a loved one who has passed away or in honor of someone who is still living. Special acknowledgments are sent promptly to family members or other designated individuals to let them know a thoughtful gift has been made on their behalf. Donations are acknowledged in Greater Springfield Senior Services E-Newsletter and Annual Report.