man getting help from care provider

Personal Care Management (PCM)

Through the Personal Care Management Program, the consumer or a surrogate (designated adult) is able to hire, train and supervise a Personal Care Attendant (PCA) to specifically meet the consumer’s needs.

Call today: 413-781-8800
ask for the Information & Referral Department
or use our contact form >

Who is Eligible?

  • Applicants must have Mass Health Standard or MassHealth CommonHealth
  • Have approval from your doctor for PCM services
  • Have a chronic or permanent disability that prevents you from performing your own personal care; and a need for physical (hands-on) assistance with at least two daily living (ADLs: mobility, bathing/grooming, dressing/undressing, passive range-of-motion exercises, taking medications, eating, and toileting)
  • Live in the community
  • Can be any age

Services Include, but are Not Limited to

  • A nurse will conduct an assessment of clinical eligibility and will develop an individualized service plan
  • A Skills Trainer will provide technical assistance to the consumer to develop skills necessary to independently manage their PCAs and ensure the needs of the consumer are being met
  • The PCA can assist with a number of tasks including hands-on personal care, dressing, toileting and more
  • The consumer can hire a family member (except for legally married spouses, their surrogate or a court appointed guardian), friends, or neighbors to be their PCA worker

The Mass PCA directory is sponsored by the PCA Workforce Council and it offers a comprehensive and current list of people in Massachusetts who are ready to provide personal care and consumers who are hiring PCAs. Visit to get started!